
Please support by gifting to the Parish of Shalford and St Mary’s church, ministry,
and service in community

Your donations of time, money and your particular skills and gifts are hugely appreciated
Thank You so much

The church relies on local donations from kind individuals, and fundraising events, to cover our community support work, our ministry, worship, and the listed church buildings works and running costs. We receive no funding from central sources or external grants or other income (unless we can find a special grant for a particular repair or initiative). Please consider making a regular donation via the Parish Giving Scheme if you can, to support this parish church serving the community

Please consider Giving Regularly

Please give regularly if you can by setting up regular donations through the Church of England’s Parish Giving Scheme, which give specifically to the parish you wish: this is the most invaluable way for anybody to financial support their parish church, helping reduce our volunteers’ admin workload and enabling the church to receive donations and gift aid promptly and without extra fees, and for the church to be able to plan for and be sustained for the present and future. Please contact St Mary’s Donations Officer Ann Thomas to discuss or simply register and setup directly online here. Thank you so very much.

Leave a legacy via your Will

Please consider leaving a legacy to the St Mary’s Church, the Parish of Shalford , in your Will – which will be such a help to the ongoing life and ministry of the church.

Donate directly online if you wish through your internet banking:
online to ‘Shalford PCC’ Sort code 30 93 74 Account 00205110

Any donations by cheque should be made out to Shalford Parochial Church Council… ‘Shalford PCC’.

How Gift Aid increases your donations to St. Mary’s

Our church income relies heavily on donors joining the scheme. 

If you make a donation towards the work of the church, you can increase your contribution, provided that you are a UK taxpayer.

What is Gift Aid?

If you are a UK taxpayer St. Mary’s, as a registered Charity, is able to reclaim this tax on donations made by you. We can claim a tax refund of 25p for every pound that you donate. There is no extra cost to you.

How to enrol for Gift Aid?

Please contact our Gift Aid representative (click here) and we will send you a Gift Aid Declaration form.